With the experience of JOGLE I knew I needed a team to accomplish L2B. Below is a little look into the team who are integral to the multiple elements of this challenge. I’m so grateful to have the full support of Cure Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s UK alongside the individuals who are bringing their experience and expertise to help me prepare for this monumental challenge, without them this would be impossible.

Thank you!

Picture of Neil Russell in running kit

Neil Russell

Well what can I say, I’m still running, usually between 30-70 miles a week. I have Parkinson’s, but I won’t let this define me and my capabilities. I ran JOGLE in 2021 just 4 years after being diagnosed and despite all the obstacles I completed it! For me my daily run is like my daily medication, it’s more than just staying fit.

There’s a lot I have to thank Parkinson’s for, because without it I would never have run JOGLE or met so many nice, generous people or be planning to run L2B. Michael J Fox said having Parkinson’s makes him feel like a lucky man, I know what he means.

For my sins I’m a life long Tottenham supporter. I love travelling and seeing the world from Everest base camp 18,000ft to Chicago. When I’m not running I’m writing a book about my JOGLE journey and the many adventures I experienced. I’ve found writing this book not easy and now appreciate why it takes so many months to write one. I’m no saint either I still I enjoy a glass of wine or a pint of beer, in fact most evenings during JOGLE I would have a glass of Rose. I don’t think it did me any harm.

Picture of Neil Russell and Nicky Patterson by Land's End sign

Nicky Patterson

I am someone who loves being challenged! I enjoy being out in the countryside or equally in the city. Spending time with family and friends is very important to me and I am a feeder, baking and cooking are things that I do to relax.

Having worked all my life in a corporate world, I am now focusing on providing Holistic therapies for others as I love the positiveness of its impact. I have recently set up my own treatment room in Bourton on the Water and also love to do Yoga and Tai Chi.

I am a slow runner and enjoy supporting Neil through many other previous challenges over many years, including last years JOGLE. This next challenge is exciting but also quite frightening, it involves a lot of work to get him to the start, through it, and to the end, but I am incredibly proud of him and who he is, what he achieves and why does what he does to support others with Parkinson's.

Katy Miller

Katy Miller

Katy first met Neil and Nicky when Neil gave a presentation at her local running club. She was blown away by his story and his incredible feat to run JOGLE with Parkinson’s and hearing about his next challenge.

With a wealth of experience planning and executing sporting events in Europe, she got in touch to see how she could help with L2B.

Katy joined the team to help build this website, route planning and will be supporting Neil on L2B through riding a bike alongside him along the entire route.

Katy enjoys running as well as riding her bike and has a bit of a soft spot for a croissant and ice cream!

Neil Russell with dog called Oscar


My job is to be a faithful, loyal, friend, running buddy and be there when they need me. Oscar is the nicest natured dog in the world he’s so in tune with Neil and Nicky its unreal. Where we go Oscar goes.